Saturday, July 5, 2014


    Another gorgeous day!!  Skies were absolutely clear for most of the day.  We drove the kayaks up to Swiftcurrent Lake.  We debated a little about going to another lake in the Park, just for variety’s sake.  But we knew that Swiftcurrent had easy access & parking – plus, we could enjoy ourselves at that great restaurant for lunch. J  And Bill checked with a Ranger down here, and she said that St. Mary’s Lake wasn’t all that interesting, and Two Meadows Lake was 45 minutes south.  So off again to our now familiar and dear-to-us Many Glacier.
     An absolutely gorgeous  drive in – probably the best yet.

          Were in the water by 11:30.  The water was just perfect.  Still, calm, clear.  Air temp was perfect as well – felt just right in short sleeves.  Just thoroughly enjoyed ourselves leisurely paddling around.    


 Saw the tour boats come & go, as well as other paddlers, and a family fishing.





      Swiftcurrent & Lake Josephine are actually connected, but by a very narrow section which goes under one of the bridges.  Paddling into Josephine from Swiftcurrent, the current is against you, and there are lots of big boulders – hence, white water.  Bill scoped it out thoroughly to see if there were any way he thought we could navigate our way through.  While fairly shallow and no chance of drowning, it still wouldn’t be a pleasant experience if we dumped.  So we decided the adventure wasn’t worth it.  So did a number of other paddlers – we watched them go down as far as they could before the current pushed them back.
     After about 2 hours, we paddled over to the Many Glacier Hotel for lunch.  Docked our boats right in front.  Felt very cosmopolitan & European!  Ate by the window again.  I knew I wanted to get one of their Huckleberry Margaritas – their signature drink.  Yummy!   Bill for a couple of Moose Drool lagers.  Honestly – that was the name!  He got the cold roast beef sandwich I’d gotten yesterday, and I got a Farmer’s salad topped with seared trout.  Was a wonderful meal, and we were fully relaxed, watching paddlers out the window. 
By the end of the meal, I realized that my body was feeling VERY heavy, and when Bill asked me to help figure out the tip, I couldn’t do it.  They sure didn’t skimp on the alcohol in the drink! 
     Our plan was to paddle the short distance back to the boat put-in place.  But I was in no condition to drive!  So we went out on the deck for a while..  But with the warmth of the sun and the effects of the alcohol, and a late night last night, I was zonked.  After a while, Bill shook me awake and said that he was going to paddle by himself across and bring back the truck.  I tried  to protest that I wanted to kayak back too!  But only feebly, and to no avail. 
     He soon was back, and loaded my kayak as I watched from above (by now, awake & sober).                                                                       



     This was probably our last day here in the Many Glacier area.  Tomorrow, even if they don’t have the Going-to-the-Sun road all the way open, which we’re doubting now (and therefore no shuttle busses running), we’ll most likely make the drive to the St. Mary’s trailhead ourselves – that much of the road is open.  We’ve heard that it’s an ugly road right now – they’ve laid gravel in parts where it’s not paved, and then wet it down  to keep the dust from flying.  But that only creates mud.  They’ve had a terrible time with the Sun road this year.  Had most of it plowed several weeks ago, and were almost ready to open it when they received that deluge of rain and 14 more inches of WET snow that we heard about a couple of weeks ago..  Caused several avalanches.  So in many places, they had to literally start over. 
     Got home around 5:00.  Unloaded the truck, and then Bill promptly fell asleep in the easy chair.  He stayed asleep til I woke him & asked if he still wanted to  drive in to the St. Mary’s Visitor Center, where some Blackfeet dancers were performing at 7:00.  I still felt a little worn out from the sun, and decided that I’d use the time to try to get another Blog entry posted.  He said that it was OK, but nothing great.  

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