Friday, July 25, 2014


     Again, what a difference a day makes!  Rained all last night at Jasper/Hinton.  Very cool this morning, and still drizzling, even at 9:00 when I ran into a Jasper bakery to pick up some goodies for breakfast in the truck.  But when we reached out destination for the night, Kamloops, it was dry, sunny, and warm.  First thing I did was change out of my warm 2 layers (including a heavy sweatshirt), and into a cotton T-shirt!
     Unfortunately, we didn’t have a very picturesque ride as we bid adieu to the Canadian Rockies - too rainy and overcast.  But that’s OK.  We’d been in these mountains for 3 weeks, and had so many glorious days filled with scenery that took our breath away.  We got to spend so many days doing the things we love:  hiking, bicycling, kayaking.  If we had had more good weather in Jasper, we’d intended to go white water rafting.  But we hope that there’ll be opportunities further down the road (or down the river, as the case may be).  Even though we’re out of the Rockies, we’ll soon be in the Coastal ranges.
     I noticed that as we pulled out of our campground, neither of us had that wistful feeling of leaving “home” that we usually have.  This place just never did feel like home to us, for some reason.   It just seemed to lack character of any kind.  And we hardly spoke literally a word to anyone else – people were either out of the campground (presumably exploring the National Park), or else inside their rigs.  So it didn’t foster a friendly atmosphere that we’ve experienced nearly everywhere else we’ve stayed.
     We ended up taking Hwy 5 down to Kamloops.  A far, far easier drive pulling the RV than going down 93 thru the Icefields Parkway again and, considering the weather, would have been a virtual waste.  Things started clearing up, and warming up, about halfway down the highway.  As I wrote, when we arrived here at the campground in Kamloops around 2:30, it was quite warm and totally dry.  Kamloops is in a semi-arid valley, like high desert.  Reminds me much of Southern California.
     The RV park is very nice  - clean, picturesque surroundings of some foothills, and the warm bright sun and clear blue sky gave us a wonderful welcome!



      Grilled steak tonight, and ate outside.  Just perfect air temperature.  Then all 3 of us took a walk around the campground.  Lots of people out.  Nice to have relaxed time after travelling for several hours.
     Tomorrow we continue heading southwest to Vancouver.  But we won’t be staying in Vancouver proper for reasons I wrote about yesterday.  We secured a spot in Squamish, about 40 miles north, but not until Sunday – they were all booked tomorrow night. So the plan is to start looking for a campground reasonably close to Vancouver/Squamish (if we don’t get a hoped-for call from Squamish letting us know that they have a cancellation for Sat nite),  spend the night there, and then move on Monday morning.
      Will sleep with the windows open tonight J     

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