Wednesday, July 2, 2014



    The day began with mostly clouds, but high ones, and not menacing gray.  A good sign!  And the sky & weather got better and better as the day went on.  By the time we began our hike to Redrock Falls (another recommended hike in the Many Glacier area), the air felt perfect, and the skies were nearly clear!  An occasion to rejoice!
     This was a 1.8 mile (1 way) hike through beautiful forest, primarily Lodgepole Pine and Aspens.  Led through some gorgeous mountain views,


                                                                   Natives called this peak "Spirit Mountain"

                 paralled a beautiful clear stream,

and then to an absolutely lovely falls.  We rested & refreshed ourselves at the falls for probably the better part of 30 minutes.  We fell under the spell of the powerful water, the warmth of the sun, the clarity of the blue sky, and the occasional wisp of spray carried by a breeze.   Another family was there (Mom, Dad, girl about 12, boy about 8) who were really nice to observe – they obviously enjoyed each other.

      Wildlife sightings:  a moose on the hillside across from the lake,

and a beautiful almost blonde  grizzly bear off of the road on the way in.
     Then headed back. 



       We were tired by the time we reached the trailhead.  Not sure why – the trail wasn’t very strenuous.  Maybe it was the warmth of the sun on our backs bewitching us!  At any rate, we went into the Hotel for a few minutes to rest our feet (me) and legs (Bill), and booked a boat tour for tomorrow afternoon.  They were sold out for tomorrow morning’s tour.  Now that nice weather is predicted for a few days, we’re taking advantage!  
     Came back tired but rejuvenated by the splendor of what we saw and felt today.  Fixed leftover brats for a quick dinner.  Then down to the laundry room again to load blog.  I’m behind on posting.  But this is the last entry I’m going to post from here.  It’s excruciatingly slow and unbelievably frustrating.   

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