Friday, July 11, 2014


     Another cool, beautiful morning.  I took a walk around the campground first thing.  Hardly anyone was out when I started out.   But by the time I got my bearings again after getting a little lost, more folks were beginning to appear outdoors.  And it was also warming up.   Ate a little breakfast outside, and then headed down to Upper Lake.  Today was going to be our kayaking day, if at all possible! 
     Was a somewhat windy when we first arrived, so we figured we’d just paddle around in the near bay area, where it was protected from the wind.  So we did that for maybe 30 minutes or so.  Then we decided we’d head out around the little point which forms the bay, into the “open” water, in the same direction we went the other day with Karen & Rob, and see how the wind affected us.  It was a little breezy, for sure, but not as bad as the other day, and we just kept going.  After a while, the breeze died down to mostly calm waters, and we just enjoyed the amazing scenery, the fresh water and air and forest scents, and the warmth of the sun.  And . . . best of all . . . we made it all the way to the other side of the lake!  A real accomplishment, seeing that R & K only did it once in all their times on this lake.
       The current was with us on the way back, along with a few wind gusts now & then, so was pretty easy paddling most of the way back. And actually, neither of us felt exhausted or worn out when we reached shore – just pleasantly tired after a 3 ½ hour workout.

     But we were hungry!!  So  we assuaged our hunger with ice cream on the way home. 
     R&R when we got home, and then started a fire in the firepit for dinner.

Grilled hot dogs on the open fire, and I had some leftover baked beans to go with them.  Then just kept the fire going with the logs Rob gave us, and enjoyed it for a couple of hours.  Had gotten really chilly again, so we sat close to the fire for warmth. 

That’s the perfect pattern here – cool mornings& evenings, sandwiching warm, dry, sunny days in the 80’s..
     We both thought that today may have been the high point of our stay here in Kananaskis Country.      

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