Sunday, July 6, 2014


      A wonderful relaxing day.  Allowed ourselves to sleep in late, ate a leisurely late breakfast.  And I attained a first:  I did my 50,000 mile tune-up shower in the RV!  Actually, I did it in 2 parts – part 1 last night, and part 2 (shampooing my hair) this morning.  The campground showers are by paid tokens, and you have to have exact change to purchase a token.  Which seemed a hassle.  So thought it was a good time to test the waters, so to speak, as when we’re in Jasper, there are no campground showers.
     Early afternoon was spent catching up loading the Blog.  Bill drove the truck to a gas station about 8 miles down the road, as we were nearly empty.  He came back all excited – on the way, there were several Bighorn sheep.

Also one of many signs warning of bears.  This is definitely bear country, and there is a zero-tolerance bear attractant policy here at the campground:  if you leave anything outside which could attract a bear, including peanut shells on the ground, or burnt meat left on a grill, you’ll pay a hefty fine and/or asked to leave.
     He took these pictures along the road.  We’re definitely  in the beautiful Canadian Rockies.  

     After I finished working on the computer, I went outside to read & relax in a Jonathan chair.  Predictably, I was soon asleep in the sunshine (although a little cool in the shade – definitely cooler than yesterday.)   After a while, I awoke to Pappy barking.  When I opened my eyes, there were Rob & Karen!  We were going to call them this evening, to see if they’d arrived.  They gotten here a couple of hours earlier.  Bill came out, and the 4 of us sat around and chatted for a couple of hours.  They shared their travel tales from their recent trip thru much of the same territory we’ve covered, or will cover, either last year or this:  South Dakota & Mt. Rushmore, Wyoming, including Yellowstone, & Montana, including Little BigHorn and Glacier (the West side).   
     Went our separate ways for dinner, and then we walked over to their campground about 9:00 to join them in a campfire. We stayed til after 11:00, partly because it stays light here until almost that time, but mostly because we were just enjoying the blazing fire and company so much.   


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