Wednesday, July 16, 2014


     Another very warm day, and very overcast & hazy.  And somewhat humid   Don’t tell me we’ve brought St. Louis July weather here!
     Decided to take the kayaks out.  We thought that being on the cool water would feel nice.  Launched from the boat dock that the Canoe Club here uses – very convenient.  From the boat launch, you can either paddle up the Bow River as far as you like and then turn around,
 or you can paddle up Forty Mile Creek for 15-20 minutes, and then into the first of the  Vermillion Lakes, a series of 3 shallow lakes surrounded by marshland.  We did the latter.

    Right away we saw a couple of Canadian geese on shore.

  Continued on to First Vermillion Lake,

 where we paddled around for a good while, and then on via a narrow waterway to Second Vermillion Lake.  Here we first heard a loon call, and then spotted a couple of them.  We tried a few times to get close to them, but they were very wary & shy.

  But we did see a family of Canadian geese again on the way back. 

     This was a very nice, gentle float.  Not difficult at all going upstream, and of course even easier coming back.  Because it was so overcast, the scenery wasn’t outstanding at all. And these small lakes are pretty lackluster.  But a nice way to spend the afternoon, especially seeing the waterfowl.  When we got back, we couldn’t believe that we’d been out on the water for nearly 4 hours – didn’t seem like that at all.  
      After a short nap (during which I think I heard thunder), we fixed last night’s leftovers for dinner and then drove in to McDonalds, where we remembered from last fall that they had free WiFi.  So spent a couple of hours there.  When we came out, it was typically cool.
     According to the weather forecast, tomorrow is supposed to be very similar to today.  So we’ll see what we feel like doing.  We both noticed that ever since we left Kananaskis & Mt. Kidd, we’ve felt sapped of energy.  I’m thinking that it’s the unusually warm, somewhat humid weather.  We really got spoiled with the long stretch of perfect weather we enjoyed from our 3rd or 4th day at Glacier Park on thru our entire stay at Mt. Kidd.



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