Thursday, July 17, 2014


     A really great day!  Bill really wanted to ride bikes today.  So we found a recommended bike route which was rated as “Easy” (for us non-mountain bikers, that’s what we’ve learned to look for!).  It’s an 8-mile loop around the Banff Springs Golf Course.  Partly paved, partly gravel, and a short distance of rough dirt, with just enough gentle grades to make it interesting, it skirts the golf course part of the way,

 and winds through forests for the rest,
 and has some lovely views of the Bow River.  

 It was perfect for us – very peaceful, with sightings of elk, 2 grey foxes, and a young buck. 

     We actually rode the loop twice.  The first time, we were hesitant to ride over the warned-of rough stretch; we didn’t think the recumbents would do well on it, plus thought that it would be really dusty.  So when we came to that section, the road forks, and we took the other fork.  Our plan was to ride up to where the rough section was, and turn around and ride back the same way we came.  However, as we approached the rough stretch, we just kept on riding over it, again thinking that we could turn back when it got too bad.  But it never did, and we were through that stretch way more quickly than we’d anticipated.  And soon after that, we had completed the loop. 
     We were pleasantly tired, and hungry.  So we spontaneously decided to bike up to the Banff Springs Hotel, just up the hill from the starting point of this loop, and get some lunch.  As we biked up to the hotel, and then went inside, we instantly remembered our time here last fall.  All looked familiar, except that there were scads more people there now.  I think when Loretta & Steve and we were at the Bow Falls lookout (right behind the hotel) last year, there were just a handful of other people there, if that.   Quite a contrast to today!  But the falls were still beautiful!                                                            


     We asked a concierge for an eating venue which was casual, and offered light fare.  We were directed to a great place . . . had outdoor seating overlooking a courtyard and some beautiful flowers.

                         Back of the grand Banff Springs Hotel, where the patio is located where we lunched:
And the sky seemed to be a little less hazy now than the last couple of days – we thought we could see the mountain peaks in the distance a little more clearly now.    
We shared a flatbread  prepared with buffalo sausage, bacon, carmelized onions, and gouda cheese.  It was truly delicious!  The service was slow, which was ok (and Bill never did get the Guinness he ordered),  as we just enjoyed the peaceful & elegant surroundings for at least an hour.  Were serenaded out on way out by a harpist in the lobby.                                                                                 
      So then I talked Bill into riding the loop again, this time staying on the main fork at first, thus going the opposite way most of the ride.  Another truly pleasurable ride.  When we did the morning loop, it felt good when we’d hit patches of sunshine.  Now, it felt good when we’d ride into patches of shade!  But in neither ride was the temperature ever uncomfortable.

   We should stop being surprised at how a day simply spent can be so full of unexpected pleasure.  This bike ride, which we chose primarily because it was easy to get to and easy to ride, gave us a myriad of small but wonderful moments: lovely views when alongside the golf course or the Bow River, some wildlife, lots of friendly people riding in busses going to or returning  from rafting trips on the Bow, great views of Tunnel Mountain from the ground up (we tried to locate where we were the other day looking down),
 a memorably delightful lunch, and just enjoying being active side by side.  And it got us over to the other side of the river, by THE hotel and all its ambience, which we probably wouldn’t have done otherwise, having spent considerable time there in Sept.   And it would have been a shame to have missed this iconic landmark in Banff, no matter how recently seen.
Home in time for a restful nap.
Then went into town.  Bill dropped me off at McD’s for the WiFi, while he got gas, went to a bookstore, and bought a few groceries.  He had a really funny anecdote to share when he picked me up:  one of the things on the grocery list was Canadian bacon – we use it to make our own version of Egg McMuffins some mornings.  He saw a dozen different kinds of bacon, but not the sliced Canadian bacon we have at home.  So he asked a clerk, who seriously replied, “All of our bacon is Canadian – made here in Canada!”  Bill laughed, of course, and then explained what he was looking for.  The young man recognized that he was looking for what’s called “Back Bacon” here.  True Canadian bacon!  
Returned home in time to heat up leftovers from last night.  Then we both walked Pappy in the perfect waning evening light.

      We’ll also remember this evening as the One Where We Looked for Bill’s Cell Phone for 30 Minutes.  We used my cell to call his – and could hear its distinct ring, but faintly.  When we were in the bedroom, it sounded like it was coming from the living room, and vice-versa.  We opened every drawer, every door, looked under every piece of furniture - could NOT figure it out.  We must have called his number 25 times – trying to locate where it was.  Finally, I stepped outside to see if for some reason I could hear it more distinctly outside.  And it was coming from the RV “basement” – the storage compartment underneath, where he threw in both of our bike backpacks when we got home, totally forgetting that he’d put his cell in his.  Reminded me of a kitten plaintively mewing from a place he’d gotten trapped in, where no thought to look.   Just another mini-adventure to remember when we’re old and grey (well, more so than now!)   
     Tomorrow we’ll leave Banff and drive up to Jasper.  We want to get an early start, as there are reports of road closures past Lake Louise after 2:00 p.m. due to firefighters usage of the road. 
     We feel we got the most from our brief stay here, despite less than ideal weather & sight-seeing conditions.  We are SO GLAD that we spent time here last fall.  Really providential.  We saw the highlights of Banff then with perfect weather and visibility, and minimal crowds.  (Thanks again to Loretta for putting together a perfect itinerary for us back then!)   So we didn’t feel “cheated” on this visit.  We used our visit this time to do more out-of-the way things, and explore some aspects of the Park more in depth.  We’re expecting Jasper to be far less crowded, and hoping for better weather/visibility.









1 comment:

  1. Your photos of Banff bring back such special memories of our time together there last year. Looks like you had a good time. We are also glad that we went in Sept., when it was less crowded, and spent those days with you and Bill. Perfect in every way. love, Loretta
