Wednesday, August 6, 2014


    We celebrated by R&R at “home.”  After allowing ourselves to sleep in late, Bill fixed breakfast (with some minor supervision) – blueberry pancakes, bacon, fruit. 
     Then we explored the RV park.  It’s part of a marina, on Peddler Bay.  A very nice marina – a good place from which to launch kayaks.  However, it was very windy today – so much so that all of the fishing guides were bringing the boats back in.  Somewhat cloudy, too.  We’re only here for 4 full days, including today, so don’t know if we’ll be able to find a day to go paddling or not.  And a very nice RV park – very, very peaceful and tranquil here.   


The rest of the day was devoted to R & R.  I took my tour guides & brochures outside; next thing I knew, I was waking up from a nap under the sun . . . appears that the wind had driven the clouds away.

     An employee of the marina & RV park came by to try and fix the steps (Bill had seen him earlier doing some maintenance work and asked him).  He made progress, but couldn’t complete it.  I think he’s going to return tomorrow. 
     Our anniversary dinner was grilled chicken, garlic rice, veggies, and a fresh salad, with a new box of Pinot Grigio.   Ate inside because too windy outside.  A nice, relaxing dinner.
     Early bedtime.

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