Friday, August 15, 2014


     Another cool, damp day.  Just stayed inside and read.  I’m now reading Tim Keller’s Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering.  Leave it to Keller to congeal and coalesce a lot of what’s been written over the years (and centuries) from a Christian perspective on pain and suffering into a cogent and challenging volume, of course imparting his signature brilliance and thoughtfulness throughout.  A great addition is, at the end of each chapter, he includes a short contemporary first-person account of great suffering a person has gone through and come out on the other side through the grace of God.  
     Highlight of the day:  Bill saw that the camp store carries Alaskan Amber.  Got a couple of 6-packs and had one with leftover salmon.  Hit the spot . . .      


     Repeat of yesterday’s weather – cool, overcast, and damp.  So we had another slow, leisurely  morning.  But by noon, we were ready to get out, even if not the sunny day we had been hoping for as our last day here. 
     Just headed on out to Rialto Beach again – took a couple of camp chairs and our books, and warm clothing and figured we could sit and read against the backdrop of the surf as well as we could in the RV!  Glad we decided to do it - we had a really nice afternoon down there.  Mostly cloudy & misty, but now and then the sun would peak out, warming us up.  Read quite a bit, took a walk up the same direction we did the other night, but didn’t go nearly as far, as the tide was coming in and at high tide while we were there. We enjoyed watching the waves at high tide pound the driftwood and logs closest to the beach.  Some waves got pretty big!



   Had fun watching 4 little girls having a ball in the surf. Every time a wave would come in & break, they’d squeal in half-glee, half-fright, run away from it, and then run back to splash in its foam.  Reminded me of the few times (actually, I can only remember once) that my family & extended family had a beach outing when we were little, and we kids would react in much the same way.  Such a long time ago.
     Left around 6:00; seemed like a shorter ride home this time.  Made a quick dinner of a frozen Shrimp Fettuccini and read and relaxed til bedtime.  Noticed that it’s totally dark now by 9:00.  The density of the dark here, together with the dampness, really lends a primordial feel to our campground and makes us feel snug & secure in our little home.
      Tomorrow we’re going to head down the Washington coast on our way to Portland.  We’d originally planned to go over to the Seattle area from  here, but changed our plans due to being a little behind in our original itinerary, and wanted to spend as much time as possible with Lynn before she leaves on her African adventure in a couple of weeks.  So we just decided to reverse the Portland and Seattle portions of the trip.  One of the benefits of being your own Travel Agent/Tour Guide!      

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