Wednesday, September 17, 2014


     Another lovely morning, but could see that it was becoming cloudier.  We had talked about spending another day here, and exploring the southeast section of the National Park, but that was predicated upon our not having to move the RV.  Which we found out we’d have to do this morning, to a back-in space, surrounded by trees.  We decided that it just wasn’t worth it.  We saw Mt. Rainier at its finest, and anything we saw today would be less stellar because of the haze coming in.  We’re just so grateful that we got to experience this wonderful National Park for two days in perfect weather.  It’s truly one of our nation’s wondrous gems!
     We spent the morning taking our time getting ready . . . eating a leisurely breakfast of blueberry pancakes, sausage, & hashed browns, and then just enjoying the surrounding woods while Bill got everything ready to go. So we didn’t leave until between 12:30 and 1:00.
     It was less than 100 miles to our next RV park, in Everett, WA, a northern suburb of Seattle, but took about 2 ½ hours to arrive, because of the narrow, curvy road the first 40 miles or so, and then because of Puget Sound traffic for the remaining miles.  In the middle of the day, and  looked and felt like rush hour!          We found our RV park and got set up easily.  A nice, extremely clean, quiet urban park.  There’s a lovely little pond at one end of it, where you can even fish.  What a nice touch for a city/suburban RV park! 

We’ve booked for 7 nights here.  Will go into Seattle at least a couple of times, and see my niece Sara.
     Celebrated our safe arrival here with a wonderful grilled steak and veggies, and nice merlot.   

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