Sunday, September 28, 2014


     Rained hard most of last night, and still this morning. Very windy too.  So we didn’t get a very early start – too wet and messy for Bill to get hitched up, etc. 
     When we did leave, had our last views of Montana mountains, enshrouded as they were in mountain storm clouds.  Very bittersweet for us – an ending of this trip, a reminder that we’re almost safely home, after over 14 weeks.


     Transitioned into High Plains as we journeyed east.  Drove about 435 miles today, to Sundance WY.  A fairly easy drive - a few grades, but none very bad.    Stopped fairly early and broiled a last steak we’d picked up a few days ago. 

    I finished the most extraordinary, stunning book tonight:  The Road, by Cormac McCarthy.  Takes place in a post-apocalyptic America, in which nature and civilization both are utterly annihilated,  bleak and grotesque, with no hope remaining.  But a father and son journey through it sustained only by each other’s love.  One of the most raw emotional and moving books I’ve ever read.  The language and cadence of the sentences are absolutely poetic.  I haven’t read anything else of his, but must now.   

     Hope to get an earlier start tomorrow.  We’ve very anxious to get home now!


1 comment:

  1. Well, it is hard to believe your summer adventures are coming to an end. What wonderful memories and photos for your album you will have. I have loved following your daily blog, and now have new places I want to see. We are going to Kauai in early Nov., something we've wanted to do for awhile. We will stay in a condo on the beach in Poipu ~ it will be very relaxing and beautiful. Steve just finished with radiation on his nose for skin cancer and will have a tooth pulled in a week. This has not been a good year for him. Stay in touch.
