Saturday, June 28, 2014


     A VERY windy, cool, and still overcast, partially rainy day.  Could feel the wind shake the RV last night.  Plus I woke up not feeling very refreshed and groggy.  So we opted to just have a slow day staying inside.  Did take a walk around the campground after breakfast.  They have a nice set-up here – probably 200 acres or so, with several meadow acres which they use for tent camping and RV caravans.  Also some cabins and a restaurant.  The main RV area is on gravel, and sites are fairly close together.  All together pretty nice.

      I spent a good deal of time down in  the office loading the Blog, etc. in the early afternoon.  Even at the WiFi Hotspot, takes FOREVER.  Very frustrating!! Ah, Wilderness!!  Bill stayed home & practiced playing banjo and took these pics of the scenes across from us.

        Enjoyed a repeat of last night (leftovers).  Then I came down to the laundry room again (office closes at 8:00) to do some on-line banking.  Will have that out of the way, hoping that the weather turns nicer and we’re out enjoying it.  And loaded this Blog entry.  


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